4 Special Tips To Dramatically Increase Facebook Engagement

4 Special Tips To Dramatically Increase Facebook Engagement

Nowadays it becomes harder to get the proper Facebook engagement. Every publisher or content creator is trying to find a way to increase it. Recent changes in Facebook make it even harder. And day by day more and more people are trying to establish their authority, company’s voice, and expertise by using Facebook as a tool. So, it’s not super hard to understand that the competition on this platform is getting insane.

You can increase your Facebook engagement rate by posting videos, posting content related to the popular ones on your page, targeting the right audience, etc. 

But there’s more…

Because, Facebook does not remain the same as it used to be in the past days when if you just upload a cute picture, videos and your post will be visible to many users, and you get the engagement you want. 

Today you have to be more creative or you need to find more engaging and effective ways to get the attention of your audience to connect with them.

Some Stats

An important person of Buzzsumo, Steve Rayson analyzed over 880 million Facebook posts added by the brands and content creators and saw that the number of Facebook engagements has fallen by more than 20 percent since January 2017 alone. The average number of engagements decline from 340 to 264 between just the first six months of 2017. Also, high organic reach is not happening often. Slowly organic reach is vanishing away from the scene of Facebook. And research shows that the organic reach is declining from 42 to 52 percent.

I know this is very frustrating (This data and your own experience). Trying to do various things each day and hoping that today is the day to get the result of hard work. Still, at the end of the day, there’s nothing to see as exciting. 

But don’t give up, there’s nothing to worry about. We are here. We know that this is a very serious problem and it deserves to get our full attention. But there is a saying that no matter how tough a situation is, this universe is so big that there’s always a solution to all of our problems. There is always light at the end of the dark tunnel.

And we brought you the solution to your problem. In this blog, you will find some extremely effective ways to increase Facebook engagement. If you apply these I hope you will see some improvement in your analytics. But before jumping into the ways, we have to know what Facebook engagement is and why it is so important.

So, let’s see…


  • What is Facebook engagement?
  • Why is Facebook Engagement so important?
  • Best ways to get Facebook engagement in 2022

What is Facebook Engagement?

Facebook engagement is any action that Facebook users take such as liking a post, commenting on it, sharing it, or visiting a website through a link posted on Facebook. It’s all about how much interaction and attention you’re getting from Facebook users.

Why Is Facebook Engagement So Important?

As we said before when it comes to Facebook engagement it is all about getting attention from your audience. The higher level of interaction and attention your post gets from users or your audience, the higher the post (whether it’s a video or image) will rank or be visible. If your post’s engagement rate is below the standard level then your post is in danger. It will get a great place in the graveyard. That’s why it is very important to get a higher level of Facebook engagement. 

Best Ways To Get Facebook Engagement In 2022

Now, it’s time to deeply see the best ways to increase Facebook engagement on your posts. But it is important to remember that not every tip or way is going to help you. Because, every business is different; based on its strategy, approach, voice, products, services, and target audience everything is different. So, you need to figure out which strategy or strategies are going to be useful for your company. You can mix and match two or three strategies to get the result you want badly.

So, now that’s out of our way, let’s discuss the ways.

1. Target The Right Audience

Not only for getting Facebook engagement, but it’s also a golden rule for every business or digital marketing effort. You need to target and be acquainted with your audience. The more you will know your audience better, the more you will perform better.

Because if you don’t target the right audience you will never be able to see top-level engagement. If your business is all about cupcakes you should target the audience interested in cupcakes. But instead, if you target an audience, those who are not so interested in cupcakes but rather in  Chinese food, they are not going to engage with your posts. 

Here, Facebook Page Insights will come in handy. Obviously, by just reading the name, we can understand that this is a product of Facebook. And in this tool, you will get a bunch of data related to your audience like their gender, age, education level, from which device they are accessing your page, which topics they are interested in, etc. So, here the main thing is, in this stage conduct deep research about your audience and build a user persona.

Because, when it comes to Facebook engagement, what your audience wants is the most important thing to consider. Who will engage with your posts? Your audience. So try to know what they want to see. 

In conclusion, don’t mess up here. Otherwise, you will end up looking like a sweet shop with a bunch of flies, nothing else. 

2. Go With The Flow

What if you see in your Facebook analytics that some posts are rocking like nothing and some are underperforming and some are sitting in the corner with the hope that someday a user will come and engage with it? 

You should produce more content related to those who are doing an awesome job in terms of providing you with the best engagement possible. That’s the current flow of your page. You should go with the flow. This is like you’re boating in a river. If you go with the flow of the river you will get the advantage, right? 

And if you are starting a new page from scratch then you should keep an eye on the current trend on Facebook. See what people are enjoying, liking, and commenting on right now. For that check out Facebook pages, groups, Facebook watch videos, etc. Post related to that trend. That’s the flow you have to follow. 

3. Try Videos

If you have to pick one thing from reading an in-depth article and watching a video, which one will you choose? Please be true to yourself. I bet you will prefer to watch a video over reading a long 3,000 word article. Can you see it? And everybody isn’t different from you. 95% of the time they will do the same.

One thing that is very interesting though is that if you observe your behavior pattern you can tell what the majority of the people will prefer although everybody is different.

A recent stat says that – In 2022 88% of people would like to get video contents from their favorite brands. That’s why a large number of marketers (two third of them it means 66%) want to either increase or maintain their monthly or yearly budget on video marketing.”

And almost 65% of video marketers have included Facebook in their video marketing strategy

So, what’s the big takeaway from this observation? The answer is, you should create more video content. Because not only do people prefer videos to watch, social media platforms are more and more leaning towards video content. You can easily understand that. Facebook introduced the Facebook watch lately, and Instagram also launched reels. With the change in the taste of users, social media channels are also changing, and if you want to stay relevant, you have to adapt to new things, specifically in this ever-changing digital world. If you want to learn how it works, you can learn Digital Marketing and start implementing the strategies.

4. Keep It Short

Today’s social media channels especially Facebook’s best mantra is, “Shorter is sweeter”.  Isn’t it?

Although most of the people are interested in videos, nobody would like to watch long videos. Day by day everybody’s attention span is reducing. Everybody is busy in this era. Therefore, nobody wants to spend their precious time on just one thing, multitasking is today’s fashion cum necessity. They want to know what you want to say as quickly as possible. 

According to a recent research, our attention span is steadily decreasing as days goes by. Back in 2000, it was 15 seconds. But in the present day, after 15 years, it narrowed down to 8.25 seconds shorter than a goldfish (Goldfishes are able to concentrate on a thing steadily for 9 seconds)!

I know, this is shocking but that’s the truth man. That’s why always try to keep your videos short and effective. Just start your video, grab their tiny level of attention and share your important and valuable tips, tricks, and suggestions fast. That way most people will not skip your videos and scroll down. They will watch your videos and you will get the engagement. 


So we’ve come to the very end of the blog. Now look, to get the huge engagement, you’ve to do lots of work, this is like set in the rock. Without putting in the hard work you can’t expect to gain this. Big brand’s Facebook page is not getting an amazing amount of engagement out of thin air, they spent lots of hours to get here. That’s the reason, they are now considered giants in their respective fields.

And for getting results you have to take some specific pre-planned action like all the big pages are taking. In this article, I tried to share 4 major tips to increase your Facebook page’s engagement rate.